Versuch project (versuch - an attempt ger.) is a H323 proxy with media flow control. Also the similar software is called a softswitch.
Versuch allows both concentrate and commutate VoIP streams and translate them between networks various operators. Also it can operate
with separate terminal or transit units or whole H323 networks.
Historically the project came into the world because of necessity in VoIP control at local network
approximately in 2003. Initially, the core based on parts of code from OpenH323Proxy by Roman
Svirsky. Later the sources in majority were reconstructed for better performance and stability.
Most important change is a transfer of the core to "native" system routines instead of PWlib's
ones. Now PWlib remains only in H323 stack staff.
Routing is based on Called and Calling numbers, tech prefixes. External route-server is possible.
Perl regular expressions are using in translation.
Alternate routes are enabling.
Simultaneous calls per gateway restriction.
Authentication & authorization by numbers, local ACLs, IP address, Radius.
Support H323 versions 1 and 2, partial 3.
Translations of called and calling number fulfill by pcre-lib engine or external route-server.
Proxing RTP/RTCP (optional), H225, H245 traffic between VoIP subjects.
Statistic collection in extended CDR files, Radius accounting (Cisco like or transit mode), debug logging with request level.
Basic configure implemented from text files.
Monitoring and control are possible through Telnet console.
Change configuration without service interrupt.
FreeBSD 5 and above or Linux 2.6 and above
OpenH323 & PWlib. Recommended latest stable from
pcre++ / pcre. Latest are pcre 6.7 and pcre 0.95
Building (for 1.0.2 release):
For building you have to pass ordinary consecution:
make (gmake for FreeBSD)
make install (gmake install)
For FreeBSD users is the easiest path to install versuch from ports collection with dependencies.
For building a binary code with debug info you have to type make debug.
./configure --help let see you possible options of configuration.
There are trivial shell scripts for start-up and monitoring of versuch daemon in script/ directory.
Main conf file versuch.ini:
Section [main]
ID | Proxy ID. The parameter exists in requests to Radius-server and CDR files for splitting data from various proxies. Empty string is default value. |
LocalAddress | Bind address for signal channel for multi-home environment. Default value "*" means binding to every interface of a box. |
Port ranges: | |
Q931PortRange | Port range for outgoing signal connections. By default 10000-59000 |
H245PortRange | Port range for outgoing channel control connections. By default 10000-59000 |
RTPPortRange | Port range for outgoing media streams. By default: 10000-59000 |
StatusPort | Port number for binding of status port. By default 2016 |
IncomingTranslateCalled | List of rules for translation CalledPartyNumber for every incoming call. It is empty by default. Syntax of rules is Perl-like with several restrictions due using pcre/pcre++ libraries. The example of translation call from Moscow's dial plan to E164: IncomingTranslateCalled=/^810// IncomingTranslateCalled=/^8(1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9)/7$1/ IncomingTranslateCalled=/^(.......)$/7495$1/ |
DefaultMinDigits | Minimal digit restriction for CalledPartyNumber for every call. By default is zerro - without limits. |
BlockG711 | Blocking G711 codecs in H245 conversations. "No" is default value. The function has no strong debug in FastStart case. |
GatewaysConfig | File name with voice gateways descriptions. gateways.cfg is by default. |
BlockRoutingCauses | List of Q931 terminal causes for stopping of route election. It is empty by default.
For example BlockRoutingCauses=17,19 will cause to stop route election with "Busy" or "No answer" answer from called gateway. |
DebugSourceHost | Address of gateway for low level debug. By default is - (I hope that no one router don't allow one :-) )
Be extremelly carefull with this option. There is memory leak due pwlib bug with detail printing of h323 fields. |
type | Accounting mode: log, radius, both or none. None by default. |
radiushost | Address of Radius-server for accounting. By default |
port | Destination port of Radius-server for accounting. By default 1813. |
secret | The key for Radius accounting requests. It is empty by default. |
vsaprefix | Prefix before VSA-attributes for compatibility. |
logfile | Path to and name of log file. /dev/null is by default. |
logrotatetime | Minutes between log file rotation event. By default - 60 (every hour). |
logumask | umask for creation of new log file. By default 0600. |
Account leg mode: | |
radmode | Enumerate: 1 or 2. By default 2. In case "1" only one account leg is generated for a call (transit mode) In case "2" generating legs for incoming and outgoing info separately.(Cisco like mode) |
radstoponly | In case "yes" Start leg will not generate. By default - no. |
type | Auth mode. radius and text are possible. By default - text. In case "text" dial-peers are using for calls routing. In case "radius" there is request for routing to Radius-server. |
radiushost | Address of Radius server for authentication. By default - |
port | Destination port number for requests. By default - 1812. |
secret | The key for Radius request. It is empty by default. |
vsaprefix | Prefix before VSA-attributes for compatibility. It is empty by default. |
peerfile | File name with dialpeer descriptions. By default - peers.cfg. |
[gateway_name] | Arbitrary gateway ID is mandatory for route of call in Radius answer or dialpeer. |
Address | IP address of gateway |
Capacity | Simultaneous calls that are possible for gateway. |
Defer | Threshold in H323 dialogue before Connect for delay in messaging to destination. The option is important for non-standart behavior of source gateways. For example, several terminals send Alerting immediate after CallProceeding without any accordance with real call condition. And in the case of passing through several destinations for call there is situation with several Alerting messages: Defer=Alerting will solve the problem. |
[peer_name] | Arbitrary dialpeer ID |
DestinationPattern | Perl regexp for checking CalledPartyNumber |
SourcePattern | Perl regexp for checking CallingPartyNumber |
Target | ID of target gateway from gateways.cfg file |
Preference | Sorting argument in route list. Integer. |
HuntStop | Indication of stop to build route list. "0" if continue (by default). |
Proxy | Indication of media proxing. "1" if media proxy (by default). |
dst_translate | Perl regular expression for CalledPartyNumber translation. |
src_translate | Perl regular expression for CallingPartyNumber translation. |
dst_bill_translate | Expression for create of field DST-NUMBER-BILL in accounting from CalledPartyNumber. Usually for adding some prefix for billling computing, sample is dst_bill_translate=/^(.+)$/00001#$1/ |
src_bill_translate | Expression for create of field SRC-NUMBER-BILL in accounting from CallingPartyNumber. |
HOST | ID from versuch.ini |
DST-NUMBER-IN and SRC-NUMBER-IN | Incoming CalledNumber and CallingNumber |
DST-NUMBER-OUT and SRC-NUMBER-OUT | Outgoing (after translation) CalledNumber and CallingNumber |
SRC-NUMBER-BILL è DST-NUMBER-BILL | Service info for simplifying of billing. |
SRC-IP è DST-IP | Addresses of source and target gateways. Signal channels are basis. |
SRC-RTP-IP è DST-RTP-IP | Addresses of source and target media streams. |
SRC-USER | Field only for compatibility, address of source gateway. |
Addresses of both source and destination local interfaces. |
Timestamps of H225 packet movements. |
DISCONNECT-CODE-Q931 | Decimal Q931 termination cause. |
INTERNALCAUSE | Internal termination cause. |
ROUTE-RETRIES | Count of attempts. Every failure increases the counter. |
Byte counters. |
Selected codecs. |
Fields from H225 messages. |
PROXY-MODE | Media proxying indication. |
ELAPSED-TIME | Elapsed time of call between Connect and Release messages. |
H323 v2 attributes |
showlist or list | Show active calls. showlist print list in human mode.. |
reloadconfig | Re-read conf files. |
q èëè Q | Close Telnet session |
counters | Data for visualization by tools like MRTG. |
uptime | Uptime. |
details:CallRef | Call details. CallRef is CallReference from H225 message. |
kill:CallRef | Forcing the call to shutdown. |
shutdown:CallRef | Attempt to shutdown the call by sending ReleaseCompete to both gateways. |
TraceLevel:level | Level of trace detalisation. [!! CPU overload is enabled !!] |
Please, remember, that if you have more than 200 simultaneous calls, you may should tune your system environments, default values of systems variables are insufficient for serious load.
The core of versuch is mature and stable, but new features are adding some time...
15nov 2006
contact: warlock at elcat dot kg